Aris Pattakos
1 min readJan 15, 2021


Ben I'm happy and frustrated to read this article as I was writing a very similar one!

But I have to admit, you said it a lot better than I ever could.

What you're talking about here is the key to financial success and it was something I was missing in previous years as I was thinking in black & white terms, so I put everything into building my business.

After selling my business and staying on as an employee, I realized I could still be an entrepreneur but on a part-time basis. I could take what I learned as an entrepreneur and keep on using it to be productive and make money.

Especially in a difficult era like the one we're going through, it's not the right time (for most people) to quit your job and become a full-time entrepreneur. Build your income streams in a safe way, while having freedom to experiment and fail.

If you do quit your 9-5 to go full-time as an entrepreneur do it when things are going well and not from a position of uncertainty!

Just some scattered thoughts, but I really enjoyed this article!

